Hosanna Lutheran Church
Houston, Texas
Programmatic Requirements
This congregation had originally constructed their existing 7,600 square ft. multipurpose facility in 1978. Recent dramatic growth in membership and community programs necessitated examining expansion options. The existing site is extremely narrow at 300 ft. in width and 900 ft. in depth. The existing structure was also not visible to the street due to an existing residential structure being used for Sunday school classes and extreme overgrowth. Existing parking did not meet attendance demands and circulation was poor.
Design Solutions
The firm analyzed potential purchase of an identical-sized tract north of the site in case it could be acquired in the future. BBA Architects prepared a Master Plan for the existing six-acres site that included four distinct phases. Following the church’s capital campaign that raised funds for Phase I improvements, the newly completed addition designed by BBA includes site-work and parking improvements, a Fellowship Hall that can seat 300 people or be converted to 6 classrooms, additional classrooms and administrative office space, and a music suite for the choirs with separate rooms for both youth and adult rehearsals. The classroom and fellowship hall are designed with flexibility to allow a Christian School program to begin in the future. Construction was completed in December 2001 and the formal dedication was held on January 13, 2002.